Firealpaca brushes for lineart
Firealpaca brushes for lineart

So, main creates a bunch of mini-monsters/robots in the local fabricator, gives them each a name, and something to remember - r (short for red), remember 0 g(reen), remember 0 b(lue), also 0 and opacity, you get 255 (don’t get a swelled head about the long name or big value). Hey, at least it lightens main’s load a little bit, and they do not go floating off and irritate the supervillain - that is important when you are a minion. Local creates some “local variables” - think of them as small well-behaved but very simple floating orbs that stay close by (thanks to the local setting) and can only remember one thing. Not that I have ever faced that personally *cough*.) We’ll start off small (always build a prototype before building your super-mega-device - it’s so embarrassing to face a superhero and your device goes eeoooffft and turns off in a small cloud of smoke. Right, let’s make that brush script ( see part 1) do some work. 6 notes Making brush scripts, part 2 Minion at work: A simple brush script

Firealpaca brushes for lineart